Let civility reign!

Civility ~ Let us consider this, before we speak or act.

Friday, December 17, 2010

A day at peace

Today is my birthday and as far as birthdays go at this age it's been very nice.
I turned 39 today and while honestly I'll forget the number tomorrow today I was forced to
look into my mirror and agree with what my inner voice was saying
which was, in 11 short years I'll be 50!
Typically when asked my age I honestly can't remember.
I'll stare at the person for a moment trying to quickly
recall just how old I am. "How the hell old am I." I'll wonder.
I think it's hard to remember because my child like mood,
and my child like spirit refuses to truly age. I'm still such
a kid at heart that sometimes I think I'll never really
grow up :)

The kids and I laughed last night at my 5 year old
son  Charles when he started calling me the Birthday Girl at the beginning of each
statement he began. "Birthday Girl, will u get me a juice box. Birthday Girl, what time do we have to go to bed. Birthday Girl, can we have ice cream after dinner?" This went on for the entire evening at times causing me to collapse from laughter!

Today I have been lazy, I've been domestic, I've been a cleaning lady and tonight I
plan to be The Birthday Girl! Chad, the kids and I are making a huge Mexican Fiesta! With homemade guacamole, salsa and chips followed by cervesa's!!!! For dad and I only of course.
Then as a family we are going to play my favorite board game Blockus! It will be
a perfect Birthday for me.

Thank you to everyone who has wished me well notes and Birthday wishes. As one once said, the most important things in life aren't things! Thank you friends!
Happy Holidays,Happy New Year and good Health I wish for you.

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