A blog, a blog, I cannot believe! What's this that you're writing? Something you've hidden up your sleeve?
The in's and the out's of your daily life, the ups and the downs, your daily strife.
Something to read, it may cut like a knife, just say it with ease, you'll lay out your life?
Who could believe it a blogger is you, my sweet kindly wife, i find that it's true. I
watch you type from the kitchen afar, I think to myself, I think she's bizarre. I mean
what draws her in, what makes her heart tong, what makes her to sing her lily white
song, what brings her in close, and what draws her so near, why she writes for
all, so open, so clear? Is she innocent cool, is she small and naive, does she think
all who read are not there to persieve? Sometimes I might catch her a stare in
her eye, what is it she thinks as her dreams roam the skies. What will it be written her
blog for to hear, what shall I say if it brings but a tear, and do I show my vulnerable
side, do I come out, or should I go hide. And what if it's funny do I hold back my pride,
or do I wrap my arms tight round by her side. Do I mention her
typo or do I act oh so blind, do I make chicken scratchings do I pass them and chide,
right now all i'll do is watch from a far my blogger, my wife, my twinkling star.
Sarah J.
Very good. Many unanswered questions posed here. I enjoyed it. dad