My little girl has an active imagination. She is just like me. Her imagination can take her anywhere.
Her playful personality, her playful soul entertains her during moments of play because of that terrific imagination.
I'm a thinker. Think, think, think. This is both good and bad. When I see my little girl over thinking I look at her with
a worried eye. However, I have come to a pretty good understanding of my brain. I have a good grasp on how it works and why it works the way it works and that is an amazing feeling.
One thing that I have discovered over several years, is the fact that my brain is a total baby. It is a child. It is a very needy and very loving child. It is sweet, caring and kind. Oh sure it gets grouchy like a baby who needs a good nap. It's angry when it doesn't get its way. It gets hurt feelings but this too is related to the fact that (the) brain, my brain is a baby. Spoiled, demanding, scared. It worries about being alone, it worries about those, "things" it really can't stand to think about. It worries because it is a loving mass of energy and power. :)
When I know my brain is weepy or being childlike, sad or lonesome, I talk to my brain. I've mentioned this before. I truly believe this and I truly want you to believe this also. You have a spirit that speaks the words from your mouth and it is wise, instructional, informative, caring, soothing and kind. You have a brain, which does not speak out loud. Your brain is quiet in its thought process. It is a diligent worker all through out the day with creeping moments of contemplation. It is strong when it needs to be but it is weak when...., say it with me............. :)
"It's being a baby!"
So this is what I do and this is what I want you to try. :) When you know you are having a bad day. When you know tears are right there, you could let them go and let them flow or you hold them back, talk to your sweet baby. Let it know, you are right there. Everything is going to be okay, just breath and caress the baby in your brain. Pamper the baby. Tell the baby when it needs to lay down and rest. Be compassionate to your brain and imagine you are the doting mother to this sweet baby that is affected in all good ways by your souls kindness. You will find you do breath easier. Those tears will flow freely because the brain needs to cry sometimes. It's the baby inside the brain.
It feels good for your brain to know, you are there for the crying baby. You are encouraging its survival. You are the support it needs to hold on. You are the reason the baby hangs in there and doesn't give up. You are the reason better days come around. You thought your brain was in charge and doing it all didn't you? No, no. Quite the contrary. Your brain is the baby and it is successful and brave because of what your spirit says. The baby needs you. Be loving to the baby, take care of the baby and you will be cared for too. xo
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