I like movie quotes. Actually, I love movie quotes and I am not alone here. I have friends who can relate and don't you deny it. I mean it! Now, I wouldn't say I throw out a movie quote hourly or daily, sometimes daily. HaHa! :) Mostly weekly. Yes, yes I do. And do I crack myself up? Usually. Funny quotes are my favorites but being a movie fan, I tend to see the common relationships in movies as they relate to real life and I'm proud of those writers who tap into those relevant moments.
Romance movies can have me dreaming. Especially when I was a kid. Oh the romance, how I loved it. In college, I could totally relate to Anne Reed in the movie, Sleepless in Seattle. Rosie O'donnell says to Meg Ryan, "You don't want to be in love, you want to be in love in a movie." Yes! Yes I do! I want to be in love, in a movie. A whirlwind romance with windswept hair and air beneath my feet where I float in the moments of love. Lol.
Well, don't we all wish that? In a romance movie, love is perfect and somewhat sanitary. HaHa. After all, no one ever stops to use the bathroom, people don't poop in the movies! No gross stuff ever happens in a romance movie. No one gets caught picking their nose. No one rejects to steamy sweaty socks being pulled off as clothes are being strewn across the room. No one puts a hand up as bad breath pours from the kissers lips, no one runs from the room because someone passed gas. It's all roses and rainbows. It's perfect, it's beautiful and it's so NOT reality! I love it! It's the way it should be. Lol.
When Thanksgiving arrives I crave the movie, Planes, Trains and Automobiles more than turkey and stuffing. It's tradition, it's funny, it's classic and it's full of vulgar language that one might only hear at a truck stop! When Christmas arrives the kids want Rudolph and Frosty and I want to sing! I want to sing every song from both of those long time classics.
Of course it isn't just movies, television shows make there way into my weekly laughter and thought provoking moments as well. My husband will say something that will prompt me to answer in the exact way Monica Geller would have responded to Chandler on Friends. Although I am more of a split between Rachel and Monica. Haha. A perfectionist, clean freak, who loves fashion and v-neck shirts.
Listen, I know I'm rambling about un-neccessary stuff, this is what I'm good at. Non essential conversation. We all should be so talented as to ramble about absolutely nothing of relevance. But movies, oh the movies. Do you know I personally own over 500 movies. Well, I did at one time. I've weeded and tossed out several as VHS tapes became less and less popular and the DVD took over. Blue Ray and all the rest have made the VHS tape almost an annoyance in the typical home. A movie lover is what I am. Movies after all were invented to take people out of their own lives and transport you into a different life. A different world, a new experience, one that you might only live out in your dreams. I like that. I agree, it is worth the 8 bucks, when I have it. HaHa.
So, reality is tapping on my shoulder, or that could be my 9 year old, therefore, I must close. I hope you have time over this long holiday weekend to kick back with a good movie, an old movie, a favorite movie, a classic movie or one of your favorite t.v. shows for some of your own time away from, reality time.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I like movies probably for the same reason. They are not real. Everything fits the story line. There is enough reality in life, right? Me, I like ones that make me laugh! dad