Do you like conversing? I can strike up a conversation with anyone. I love to converse. I'm not sure that's the case with all people. Contradictory to the fact that I can be viewed as anti-social, an introvert even, I suppose possibly I'm both. I think you can be both. There is nothing like the solitude of my home, my car, even my work. However, I think you can loose the knack to mingle if you aren't careful. In my line of business, I can go the entire day without opening my mouth, without speaking one word, which is weird because I often have music playing in my ears and while I'd love to belt out some songs, I hold my tongue because others are listening and I'd be terribly off key. In fact, the ear buds work to my benefit if I truly don't want to be bothered with conversation because no one bothers me when I obviously can't hear what they're saying. Not to say that sometimes someone won't come up to me and motion for me to remove the ear buds and I'm forced to converse, but in general they do work as a deterrent.
I tell my husband stories like this and he rolls his eyes. He thinks I'm being rude wearing my ear buds as a conversation deterrent. I have to laugh at his skepticism. In fact, I'd bet there are plenty of days he wishes I wouldn't talk to him. Haha! The truth is, in certain instances I can't shut up and other instances, I'd prefer not to talk. I like the fact that we as people have the right to choose.
Have you heard this expression. "Better to hold your tongue and let people think you are stupid, than to speak and remove all doubt." Haha! I love that. Not that I think I'm stupid, I don't, but sometimes we get in over our heads in certain instances and you may wish you could slowly back out of the conversation without anyone noticing.
I'm rather bull like, I'll charge right in with my opinions if I'm sure of the topic under discussion. I'll charge right in if I'm feeling insulted or as if someone is trying to push me around. Oh yes, watch out, I'm a charger. My kids often ask me why I'm so tough on the inside and so nice and kind on the outside? I tell them I'm the best of both worlds. Haha. I truly think I am this way due to my folks. Now I'm sure I need to clarify this. My mother and dad are and were both very patient people, always willing to hear someone's side of the story, very good listeners. However, both will stand right up to anyone they feel is trying to do them wrong. Tough as nails these two. Kindhearted, patient, smart, empathetic, but, try to do them wrong, try to do one of their kids wrong, and watch out, they will charge. I learned this tendency from watching them during my impressionable years.
So back to conversing. My love for conversing. I've prided myself on being very well-rounded, meaning, I've dabbled in a lot of different things. I've expanded my interests, I've looked up things, read about things, inquired with experts on their expertise, I've listened to others, I've attended events, I followed through with school until I achieved a degree and through that I learned a lot. I learned about diversity in society. I learned the highs and lows of life. I learned how to handle stress, how to accept loss, how to work through dilemmas and I even conquered my negative nature. Yes, I had a negative nature about me for a long time. Oh sure I could be happy as a clam but I would often, "Go to the negative," I would say. My glass was half empty more often than half full. It wasn't until I met my husband, he changed me for the better. He commented once on my negative demeanor. I thought, "What! You're mistaken. I'm not negative, I'm realistic." He said, "No, you're negative." I was insulted. I scowled at him and his observation of me, his analysis of me. I was actually ticked off if you want to know the truth. I walked away from the conversation brooding that he in fact had me, all wrong. In having this discussion, I started noting my reactions, my tendencies and you know what, he was dead on. He was absolutely right about me. I had to change, and I did.
My cup runeth over and I am a glass half full girl now and I have been for years. A good adjustment.
Anyway, this conversing has come easy due to the desire to know as much about as much as possible.
In the mornings I sit and listen to these different morning shows and their interactions, their discussions, and I find myself laughing, or in agreement, or appreciating something someone has said.
Well, I guess I'd better go back to silence as I've talked way to long now. Haha. Have a great day and enjoy your conversations and those who provide you with insight, knowledge and humor. Engage with others and reap the rewards.
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