Let civility reign!

Civility ~ Let us consider this, before we speak or act.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Nightmare

Last night I had a nightmare.  It's interesting because it's become a reoccurring nightmare.  Last night was probably the worst outburst though.  Chad said I screamed so loud he was sure I woke the neighbors.  It seems that night mares would leave us in our progression of age.  The idea of a nightmare at all is disturbing.  I hate when one of my kids comes to me in the night and climbs in bed with me because of a bad nightmare.  As an adult, I think nightmares are probably pretty self explanatory.  However, the nightmare that I have revolves around death, which I've always prided myself on not being afraid to die.  So these dreams scare me, because it's like my inner voice is trying to tell me something, or warn me of something even. 

So here's the dream:
I'm dead, I've died and I'm being pulled up out of my bed by dark hand a dark form, I'm being taken, "I'm Going!" I sometimes yell out loud, then I scream, I mean I ......S C R E A M.........!!!!! And I know that I'm screaming for the living, most likely Chad, to grab me before I'm gone, forever.  I've had it before, it scares me to no end and the worst part is, I have no idea why I have this dream.  There is no bright light in my dreams, nothing beautiful.  It's completely dark, like a dark hole.  I hope it's not a premonitions as I've always believed in life after death and I'm a strong Christian. 

In any regard, I just thought I'd blog about it. 
Let there be many nights of peaceful sleep for ALL!

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