Let civility reign!

Civility ~ Let us consider this, before we speak or act.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Okay, as I rub my hands together, push my hair back behind my ears, and get ready to dig in, here we go.
I'm gonna go ahead and vent about Facebook.  First and foremost, let me express that I love Facebook too.
I mean, I use it right.  I post on it, I put pictures on it, I have lots of friends on it, and so on and so forth.....
So, how can I vent you ask.  Well, let me just start by saying that the name is all wrong.  Facebook, really?!
How about Bragbook.  Now, this may sound harsh, but daily, and I too am at fault on occasion, but daily I look at Facebook and analyze my own life, I compare.  It's as if Facebook makes you doubt your own life, your own existence, perhaps your own relationships with friends, family or even your husband or wife. 

It's funny in some respects.  I'll catch myself saying, so, and so, on Facebook looks like they have the BEST life ever.  I want to live their life instead of mine.  Or I'll say to my husband...."Someone on Facebook just said Happy Birthday to their husband, and how awesome he is, how he's her best friend, he's the love of her life, he's a gift from heaven, I'd marry him all over again, the man of my dreams!"  and I say.....Chad honey, do you think I love you that much.  I mean I hope I do but in comparison to this, I think we're missing something.  Do you love me like that?  He and I laugh, because while we do love each other, we don't think we've ever said it quite like that.....so what does that say about us? Hmmmm??? What does that mean? Hmmmm??

I catch myself loving others vacations and thinking Damn that looks nice....why haven't we done that.
Or pictures.  My word some people have the most outstanding pictures, outstanding ability to take pictures, hell most of the time I can't find my camera and if I do, it's out of batteries.  Seriously. 

Facebook can make the best of us feel like we are losers, we don't have as many friends, we suck at picture taking, we never take any good vacations, in fact, we're boring as hell.  We don't live the life, we haven't gone on a wine tasting adventure ever.  Hawaii? In this life time? I doubt it. Climbed the tallest mountain, never.

So, it's a Bragbook and if you are wonderful at it, you truly can make all of your friends envy you, and wish to be you and live the life you live, walk in the shoes you walk in, lay in the sun you lay in, laugh the kind of laughs you laugh. 

Meanwhile, the real Sarah....will you please stand up.....
"Who me? Sure."
"Oh wait, on FB you want me to tell it how it really is?  Show you a picture of me looking fat, give you the low down on how boring I am.  No......just as everyone else, I shall only show you the Best of my life, and only the best!" 

So, to all of you, let's toast,.....
(Grab a wine glass ladies, your beer mugs gentlemen......)
"May all of us only live the Fabulous life we share with each other on Facebook....CHEERS!!"

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