Let civility reign!

Civility ~ Let us consider this, before we speak or act.

Friday, October 5, 2012


I have not been on my blog in a while.  I honestly thought, maybe no one was reading a single word, a single thought, a single tap on the key board.  However, I find myself today thinking, if I write for no one, but myself, I am writing for good company.  LOL.  So here it goes....

If someone said, "Tell me a description of, "Life" in just one word."  I'd tell them back
quite plainly, "That's silly and absurd.  Who could describe this all around us, what you view as plain. You might be a fool.  Possibly, insane!" 

If that person looked at me with eyes of pure disgust. I'd ask them if the question could be described as one unjust?

Yet I pause to say, if I were forced, "Life," in just one word. Mind you I think the suggestion is annoyingly absurd.  I'd say, "Inspiring."  That's what I would say. What a simple word, flowing out of me this day.  :)

"Life," is but an idea,  something "Grand" awaits.
"Life," is but a calander filled up with important dates. 
"Life," is the magic, so many can not see.
"Life," is the love, that flows from you to me.
"Life," is the emotions I feel as days go by.  Regardless of the day, I remind myself I tried. 
"Life," is growth, as we each begin so small, with time appearance ranges. Yet, I remain inspired regardless of my outward changes. 

"Life," doesn't debate with you what you should do.
"Life," simply knows that some day its done, through! 

Look back now at yourself, did you stop to think, how awesome it all was! 
Did you stop to look an enjoy all that, "Life," quietly does? 
Did you stop and pause, really listen with your ears, things that could make an audience stand up with cheers? 
Did you stop to touch things that mean so very little, like the blade of a fern, or the string of a fiddle?
Did you find appreciation for your shelter, wind looking for its in. 
Did you enjoy the sigh you breathed when you repented for your sins?
Did you stop to watch, as people were sometimes smug?
Did you step back, discover the world didn't always share unconditional love.

Through it all, through every little thing, every little moment, every hour as it dinged,  this "Life," would die, would wither if not lifted up by inspiration. "Life." By my definition, all though you may be tired, all ends with this, in "Life," just be inspired
Written by: Sarah J. Colladay Montgomery

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