Let civility reign!

Civility ~ Let us consider this, before we speak or act.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012



Some with stripes, some with spots, some with tiny polka dots. 
Some are stretchy, some are tight, some too small, some just right. 
Some are covered in stars or bee's, some are green with little trees. 
Some are tights that make me giggle. To put them on I hop and wiggle.

Socks solid, pink, blue, with individual toes, some...times...they do!
Each little piggy wrapped in color, each one different than the other. 
I love to move and touch each one, each little piggy is so much fun. 

Bobby socks are cute to wear.  Little fuzz balls for a tail.
Socks can fill me full of glee, politely placed below the knee.
Folded down just a little, so they stay there in the middle. 

I love socks oh yes I do!  I can wear them, so can you!

I have socks, in a box.  Beneath my bed there's lots and lots!
Socks!  Socks!  Filling up drawers, over flowing, across my floors. 
Socks all over from here to there, piled up on my bedroom chair.
Socks I sleep with in my bed. 
Socks piled high beneath my head. 
Socks filling up my bathroom sink.  So many socks I can not think!

I love socks oh yes I do!  I can wear them so can you!

I have a drawer of socks on dates, each one is looking for it's mate.
Little Miss. Matched, I make those snazzy!
I know it makes my feet feel jazzy!
You might think they're quite a mess, but not when I match them with my dress. 

I keep socks wherever I'm going, because socks are also good for throwing. 
Or used for oh so many things, like a sweet little baggy for my rings.
Around my neck like a cozy scarf.  Hanging on my ears and shouting "Arf!"

Oh my goodness, it's not a shock, I can't get enough of socks!
I love socks oh yes I do!  I can wear them, so can YOU!

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