I must admit that I do buy things advertised on t.v. Show me the latest, greatest shampoo and I'm on it! A new face cream to make me look as young as a teenage girl?! Perfect! I'll try that too. The Special-K diet (?) Sure, let's give it a whirl. Progresso (?) Not only does it taste, "Oh! So! Good! Better than what your poor old granny used to make, but try it everyday for every meal, and goll darn it, you'll loose enough weight to slip, right down the drain in your shower.
Gum that makes your teeth white (?), tried it. The best working intestines on the planet? Thanks to Activia, I think I do. If you give me a good sales pitch on the t.v. commercial, I will more than likely run to the store to try it. I am one of those people, you could ask about anything "new" out there on the shelves at your nearest super store, and I probably know if it shaves better, seals better, cleans better, tastes better, has a better crunch, a zestier flavor, etc. etc. ...
I am not the t.v. junkie I used to be. Wow! I mean, it wasn't that long ago that I was hooked on Home shopping. One show still hooks me. But I fight the need and the urge to turn the channel to see what the latest and greatest is for sale now. When the easy pay option was introduced I think I peed my pants. Shhhhh.
Anyway, I will never forget the show that convinced me to buy the sheets I decided I not only had to have, but I could not live one more night without. This woman called in to the show and said she was a traveling sales woman, and not only did she own these amazingly warm, soft, cuddly sheets but she carried them with her on her business trips and put them on every hotel, motel bed she slept in because it made every night pure heaven.
That was it. I ran into the kitchen and told my husband, "This woman is traveling with these sheets! They must be amazing!!!" Before he even had a chance to chime in, I said, "Too late! I already ordered them, and on easy pay. Cha ching!"
Things I never even knew I needed I bought off the t.v. It's like what Jerry Seinfeld said in his stand up comedy show. The longer you listen to these infomercials the more you decide that not only is this particular item the best invention known to man, you must have one before you go to bed. The fact that I can be cuddled in on the couch, hunkered down underneath the biggest comforter, warm and snug as a bug in a rug, completely and totally comfortable, and still toss it to the side to get up, get my wallet, get on the phone to order one of these, "things" shows you just how successful the perfect pitch actually is.
So, my next post is going to be the start of a series of all weight loss crap I have been and am going through. The trials, the tribulations, the annoyance of these everyday workouts and the results. I am going to disclose to you the things that I have tried. Why? Because they're advertised on t.v. haha. As of today, this very day, I am now taking raspberry keytone. Why? Because it's the latest and greatest. Not only does it help you lose weight, it breaks up those fat cells that are stopping up and blocking up every nook and crannie in my body. I put one in my husbands mouth the other day, of course I made him stick his nose in the bottle to smell the yummy sweet smell of raspberry's first, but then I made him swallow the thing. He said, "What am I taking?" I said, "Trust me." Right. I mean, I watched the commercial, it looks great. Just try it.
I would be the absolute perfect person to have a pin made that says, "Just try it!" Haha.
So before I close to go wiggle my bootie in front of the t.v. while working out and hoping to see the next new thing in exercise equipment! I'll end with this. It's all about making life fun. I count every, "First" I have as a blessing. I mean, thank goodness I have found a way to continue to have multiple firsts, at my age. How? Well, when a new product arrives on the shelves it's NEW, so it can't be anything but a FIRST for me. Each time I buy something new and improved, just invented, latest addition, new arrival, amazing discovery! I walk down the road of excitement, knowing fully well that I will either be tickled pink with the results or sighing with yet another hope dashed. But whatever the outcome, I'm on my own, strange albeit, but I'm on my way to my very own road to excitement.
Shop on! :)
Sarah J.
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