Thinking back to when I was a little girl, as far as my memory will take me, I remember the little day dreamer I was. The little pretender. My childish brain was made to pretend. Yesterday, I walked out the door, looked at the snow covered ground, took in that wintry smell of fresh fallen snow that I love and remembered all the times I spent outside just wondering around. Can you guess what I was doing while wondering? I was day dreaming. I was pretending. I would become Laura from Little House on the Prairie collecting flowers and stones and pushing my way through the tall field grass that covered the hill behind my house. I was Olivia Newton John from Xanadu wearing a pink silk layered skirt, a pink colored shirt, white tights and white roller skates. I was a professional cheerleader with red, white and blue pom poms. I was the next material girl dancing in front of the mirror in my sister's room. I was Scarlet O'Hara in a big puffy yellow dress from the south. I was little Shirley Temple with rollers in my hair. I was a dancer, a ballerina, a gymnast. I was an explorer, an adventurer. I was a day dreamer & a pretender. Oh but how the times change & we grow up and do you know, that no matter how hard I try to pretend I'm often unable to wish my way out of my problems. I'm not able to change what is occurring right here in the present. Yes I still day dream. Why not. It is a wonderful distraction when things aren't so grand. It's a brief moment of inspiration, excitement, and an idea builder. Reality can be such a downer.
When I was little, in the summer, the church across the street from my house had a huge rummage sale every year. It was so fun to go over and look at the tables covered in old clothes, fabrics of every kind under the sun. Pretty lace items, shoes, coats, hats, gloves, etc. and all for only $2.00 a bag. The older women working a table at the entrance doors would give you a paper sack and encourage you to fill it up to the top. My sister and I would be on a mission to find the best dress-up clothes ever! We would choose several dresses. Matching gloves and hats. Lace scarves, high heeled shoes of all style's and colors. We would fill a couple of bags till the seams were ready to tear. Quickly we would rush home and dump the bags onto the floor. We would put the dresses on, pull the gloves up to our elbows, place the old netted face hats on our heads, wobble around in the highest of high heals and giggle and laugh and dance together. We were sisters being silly. We had so much fun, pretending. We were going to the ball, we were princesses of the past, we were high royalty. We were debutantes. We were having so much fun.
I guess that is why I write children's stories with relative ease. In a moment I can be gone into the depths of my mind, gone to a place no one has heard of or ever seen and I can create right there on paper the unfolding story. I may never be published, and I have decided over much time and contemplation that it doesn't really matter. I've enjoyed writing. My children love to sit back and listen to their mom read a loud. This story telling, this pretending I do, is the only link to childhood ways, whimsical emotion, light hearted feelings, and child like behavior. Does it turn back the clock? I hope so. I hope it does in some metaphysical way, Could my aging stop if only for the moments in time I am in pretend mode. Now wouldn't that be a treat.
I hope you find time to day dream, and pretend in your mind the way you did as a child. Whimsical thoughts and emotions. They most certainly were a part of you once, bring those moments back now so again you might be the child down within your soul.
Yes indeed, I do remember when you use to come home from the church rummage sale with all the items you mention. The two of you always looked so fancy while you played your make believe roles. I got a big kick out of it; One should never stop day dreaming - it lifts the spirit and brightens the day. I still day dream and hope to never quit. I like what you wrote. dad