Let civility reign!

Civility ~ Let us consider this, before we speak or act.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

A prayer to my dad

I prayed today to The Lord. I prayed so hard. I asked so humbly to please talk to my dad today and tell him how much I love him. How much I miss him.
I told The Lord, please, please, tell him, He Was Enough! For everyone but mostly for himself.
He never had to put himself through all he did for all his life. Always trying to prove to himself and the world that he was enough. He was. I screamed in my head and I imagined taking my dad by the shoulders and screaming!!!
YOU WERE ENOUGH! Believe it!!! Know it!! You never had to prove your worth.

Didn't you know, you were loved!
Respected, appreciated, valued, didn't you know.

WHY couldn't you believe it?!! Why.

I asked The Lord to tell him, "YOU were Enough."

Always dad. Always.
I couldn't have ever been more proud to call you dad. My dad!
Love you.


  1. When you lose a loved one, the first Christmas Season afterward is the hardest. Your father was a great man. His family and professional legacy live on.

  2. Thank you. He was very hard on himself when he shouldn't have been.

  3. One of the things we loved about Dr. Colladay was his humility. In the 10 years Ted spent in college, he found that it was rare in academia.
