It seems I'm always learning, which is a good thing. No good going stagnant after all.
But what I find is, the answers aren't always there. Even the words aren't always there.
Logical thinking typically is but even then I'm lost at times. Hands up in the air or hands resting on my forehead, I'm completely clueless how to react or respond.
Having a social work degree I knew a lot about people's thought processes. I knew why people might react the way they do or what a typical response might be. I knew the in's and outs of the human psyche. But recently, I became a coach. A head coach and while I'm loving it, it challenges me and all I remember about the human social interaction. I question, if good will win out and, my ability to instill good in others.
I'm a strong believer in lifting people up, not tearing people down. Compliments can make a persons day. Insults can break a person in two. I'm optimistic of course. I'm expecting the best from everyone on every level. Do expect to much? I don't think so but, I'm learning. Here is what I know now.
Not everyone gets a joke. Not everyone can take a joke and not everyone understands when something is a joke. (Kid to kid I'm referring.) I try to express to the wonderful individuals on our club team, that your joke may not seem a joke to someone else. Easily, you could hurt someone's feelings without knowing it or meaning to. You might hurt their feelings and know it, but not know how to express, that it was in fact, a joke. Unless you really know the person and they really know your personality and your sense of humor, it might be best to hold that joke.
Watch what you say and how you say it. Remember to be positive, uplifting, encouraging and supportive. I've learned that personalities clash, some don't blend well with others at all and while it might seem easy to say something negative or rude, it's okay not to blend with everyone so you don't have to be rude. In fact, the ones who hold their tongues will ultimately come out much more respected than those who speak their minds freely.
Mostly though, I've learned kids are sensitive. They wear their hearts on their sleeve. They take everything so literally and why shouldn't they, they're kids. They've been on planet Earth what, 14-15-16-17 years is all. Not a very long time is my point, so they have a ways to go before they even partially master human relations.
They really do take things personally and they are easily scarred by others words and actions. This actually breaks my heart. So as a coach, what do I do? I often refer to past coaches in my memory. How did they do it? What did they say? How did they lead me? I refer to my experience as a mother. Not that these kids need me to be their mother, they don't, but the motherly instincts run strong inside of me. I'm the mother of two. My readiness to teach or give advise certainly sets in when thinking and dealing with strife or sadness among my club members. One member being my young daughter. ❤️
If I could give advise tonight, I'd say,....
1. Build up a tougher skin. A tougher exterior so things don't hurt you so easily. You are one amazing awesome person, don't let others bring you down or tarnish that smile.
2. There are always going to be people in your life that you don't necessarily blend with. All hope is not lost, just give yourself some space between you and them.
3. Be kind, be accepting, be patient and be tolerant. After all, you don't know who might be tolerating you right now. No one is perfect. (Whew! Thank goodness). ☺️
4. Don't let the turkeys get you down and believe me, there are a lot of turkeys out there. Be willing to blow things off. Don't over think it. Let it go. Be more freeing of yourself. You don't need to get upset about someone else' opinion of you. Hold yourself in high regard. A lightheartedness if you will.
5. Rise above it. Just because someone is being crappy doesn't mean you have to be crappy back. You don't have to match their crappiness. Rise above it! Be the better person. Don't gossip. Don't turn others against others. Don't aggravate or agitate the situation by keep the feud going with back and forth rants. Let it go, walk away, rise above, be the better human, the better person. ☺️
6. Remember I'm your coach and I care. I am expecting the best from you but I'm also wishing the best for you.
These are the things on my mind tonight. So as I say goodnight to a very busy world, a very long day, I'm sending out good wishes and good energy to my entire club. I'm excited to watch them grow, excel and find a good path to walk, and stay on. I'm so proud of them all. Their futures are bright, even if they don't yet know it, I see it and I do know, their futures are bright. ☺️
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