Let civility reign!

Civility ~ Let us consider this, before we speak or act.

Friday, February 24, 2017

Another sign my dad is near....

Every so often, I have something happen that makes me feel like I have a better understanding of the after life.  While I believe there is an after life, sometimes the idea of proof really feels good.  While so many may disregard mediums I find them to be soothing.  I especially like watching the show, Long Island Medium.  However, this is not about mediums this is another post about another interesting occurrence that makes me feel my dad is closer than farther away from me. Here is the story, ...

All true....

Near the end of my dad's life, as things began to decline, I became more and more concerned.  The idea of losing my dad was unbearable.  Two weeks after my dad passed away and I felt my heart sink more and more, my sadness growing and my mind spinning I called a girl friend of mine from high school.  While she and I don't talk that often, I know how spiritually connected she is, and just the idea of talking to her brings about feelings of peace within me.  I needed to talk to her to help me calm down.  The idea that I'd never be able to talk to my dad again had me in a mode of panic.  How would I? How could I, survive his absence?  As she and I talked, as we discussed his passing and how I was doing, she interrupted me and said, "What is the connection between your dad and a black bird?"  I was perplexed.  I said, "A black bird?"  She said, "Yes, when I see your dad, I see a black bird beside him.  What's the significance of a black bird to your dad?"

I sat and thought about it for a few minutes and I said, "My dad loved owls, are you sure it's not an owl?"  She said, "No, it's a black bird.  I think it's a crow.  A black crow.  It could be a raven but I think it's a black crow."  I told her I had no idea but had noticed a black crow around my house recently.  I told her that I had even commented on the black crow to my kids.  A black crow in our front maple tree.  I even wondered if it was a sign but I didn't figure it was.  It just seemed strange that a black crow, all alone would be sitting in our tree out front,"  She said, that's a sign your dad is near.  That is his sign to you, your dad is a black bird, probably a crow.  After we hung up I decided I'd pay attention to black birds and see if I thought they were in fact, a sign.  While I did notice the black crow now and again, and I noticed if I drove I'd see a black crow in a tree, two blocks further a black crow in a tree, etc. it seemed that there was a correlation but as time passed and more black crows were around, I wondered if it was just coincidental.  I actually dropped the idea over time.

My dad had been gone for 21 months at Christmas. A family Christmas party was happening at my sisters house so my husband, the kids and I headed down state.  After the party ended and most everyone accept my mom and step dad had left, my sister, her husband and my husband poured ourselves a glass of wine and kicked back in the kitchen around the table to put our feet up, talk, laugh and relax.  It was peaceful.  We started talking about our dad, my sister and I and how long he had been gone.  She got up from the table to bring the wine bottle over to the table and when she set it on the table, she stood there in the kitchen with her hands on the back of her kitchen table chair and she said to me with a serious look, "I'm going to tell you something that I know you are going to think sounds crazy, but I'm going to tell you anyway."

I said, "Okay."  She said, "I think dad is a black bird."  I didn't say anything as she continued but I immediately put my hand over my mouth. I was in shock at what she had just said.  She continued, "I know it sounds strange but I'm pretty sure dads a black crow.  I notice a black crow hanging around a lot.  It sits in our maple tree out front, sometimes a black crow flies along side of my car, one time a black crow flew right across my wind shield while I was driving.  So the other day, when I drove in our driveway with (her son) I said to him, 'I know this is going to sound strange but I think Grandpa is a black crow.'  She said he looked at her with a funny stare.  She said, 'See that black crow right there in the maple tree?  He said, "Yes."  She said, "I think that's grandpa."  She said they got out of the car and she asked the bird, "Dad is that you?" and the bird started shaking its head up and down. Both she and her son saw this happen and looked at each other in disbelief.  She concluded by saying, "So I just wanted to tell you, I think dad is a black crow."

I was literally in shock and amazement at this story.  I had never told her what my girl friend Heather had told me about the black bird.  Like I said, I kind of dropped the idea all together.  I told her I needed to call my girl friend in Colorado.  It was late but I knew with the time change it wasn't that late where she was probably nearing 11:00 p.m.  I called her and she picked right up.  I put her on speaker phone and I said, "Heather, do you remember what you told me about my dad after he died? Do you remember you said when you see my dad, you see something beside him?"  She said, "The black bird?"  I said, "Yes!"  I said, "Do you still see the black bird?"  She said, "Oh yes!" Then I told my sister the story and she was blown away.  She said, "You mean, you thought dad was a black crow too and we didn't know we both thought that?"  I said, "Yes.  That's why when you said, 'I think Dad's a black crow, I put my hand over my mouth in shock.'

She said, "WOW!  Oh my gosh!!!  He is a black crow!"  My girlfriend said, "He's not a black crow, but that is his sign for you to know he is near.  He is around."

After we hung up I said to my sister, "Why would dad pick a black bird?  Why not an owl?"  She said, dad always loved that poem, "The Raven."  I said, "He did?"  She said, "Yeah, he did."  I didn't know that.

Anyway, a black crow all alone in my yard holds special meaning now, more than ever and for my sister too.


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