Let civility reign!

Civility ~ Let us consider this, before we speak or act.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

It's time for the, ...Happy Thanksgiving, Hop, Hop, Turkey Hug!

It's that time of year again, when everyone anticipates that Nap after Thanksgiving dinner.  Haha.

So this early morning I was up.  Of course right, all moms and many dads are up early on Thanksgiving Morning.
My little boy, out of bed, earlier than I would anticipate, walks up to me with a very sleepy face and stops.  I say,
"Hi baby.  You don't have to be up yet.  You can go back to bed.  Or better yet, go cuddle in my bed, I'll bet it's still warm
from when I was cuddled up in bed myself."  He layed down on the floor, right there at my feet.  Then he said, "I guess no one has anything to say today."  Oops, I quickly said, "What?  You want me to say something like, "Happy Thanksgiving!" All while  reaching down and tickling his tummy.  Yep, that was it.  A smile covered his little face, those little dimples making the impression of cuteness that much more irresistible.  Cute. Cute.  Then I asked him if he was waiting for the traditional, "Happy Thanksgiving, Hop, Hop, Turkey Hug?"  He looked at me ever so strangely and said, "What, is that!"  "What is that?  You mean to tell me, you don't know the story of the Happy Thanksgiving Hop, Hop, Turkey Hug.  Well, pull up a seat and lend me an ear."

     A long time ago, way back when,....on a sweet little farm here in Northern Michigan, a chicken accidentally got his head chopped off.  While the other chicken's watched in shock, Chicken Myrtle said to her friend Chicken Judith, "Well, would you look at that!  Lazy Davy is going crazy.  Look at Davy go!  Who knew Davy could move like that.  He can really shake it!"  "My word Myrtle!, If my head were accidentally cut off I wonder if I could shake it like that!?"  "I bet you could Judith!  I bet you could!" 
"Who knew?  Who knew?" Said Myrtle.
Well, not long after that strange day on the sweet little farm in Northern Michigan, a turkey accidentally got his head cut off.  Well what do you think he did?  Do you think he danced around like a, "Chicken with his head cut off?"  You bet he did!.  He saw what Lazy Davy did.  He was thrilled that this was his chance to shake it like Davy.
Myrtle in disgust said to Judith, "What does Zerky the Turkey think he is doing!?  My heaven's Judith, He Thinks He's A Chicken!"  "He sure does Myrtle, he is running around like a, Chicken with his head cut off!  Someone needs to stop him."  Just like that, Myrtle yelled out as loud as her little lungs would let her, "Zerky!  Stop it!  You are a Turkey!!  You are not a Chicken!  Stop running around like a, "Chicken with your head cut off!"

     Quickly, Zerky the Turkey stopped.  Confused.  Myrtle said to Zerky, "Zerky, you are no chicken.  You crazy fool!  Did you forget, you are a turkey!  You turkey!  Turkey's get their toe tagged with a little string and white piece of paper that says your name on it Zerky!"  Judith quickly agreed, "Zerky, if you had a little string tied to your toe with a little white tag with your ever so, "cool" name on it, what kind of dance do you think you would do?"  Just like that, Zerky started to hop around.  He started to hop like a turkey full of fun!  He was hopping backward, forward, sideways, all ways, he was on a fantastic roll of hopping abilities, a hopping genius!  Zerky, so happy ran and hugged both Myrtle and Judith.  With a hop, a hug, a hop a hug he was thrilling to watch! 

"My word Myrtle, do you know what today is?"  "I sure do!" said Judith.  "It's THANKSGIVING!"
Judith started to hop and she hugged Myrtle.  Myrtle started to hop and she hugged Judith.  From that day forward everyone does the Happy Thanksgiving Hop, Hop, Turkey Hug!  Duh!  I looked at Charles with a look of teasing.

Charles started laughing.  He rolled on the floor with a good hardy laugh. Which of course made me laugh.  Because he thought it was funny  I thought I'd better make sure you haven't forgotten the story too!.  After all, how are your kids going to know how to do the Happy Thanksgiving, Hop, Hop, Turkey Hug if I don't tell you the story again.  So now you've been reminded. :-)

Give someone a hop, hop hug today.
Happy Thanksgiving.

(Please share if you think this story might bring a smile to someone you know today)
*There's no time to edit or spell check it. the Turkey is on Fire! Gotta go.  Gobble, Gobble.


  1. Thanks for so many blessings in our lives.. !!
    Happy thanksgiving day Sarah !!

  2. That is a fun story and pleased that Charles liked it. I did, too. Have a Happy "Hop, Hop" Thanksgiving.!! Dad
