Let civility reign!

Civility ~ Let us consider this, before we speak or act.

Friday, December 13, 2013

"Looks Like We Made It"

I think Barry Manilow said this best.  Sure, now you'll be singing this song all day, cursing me out, I know, I know. Sorry about that.  :) Haha.  I remember saying to my husband one time in a moment of certainty, "My ship has finally come in!"  Only to decide later, that in fact, it actually hadn't. :-(  I also remember my husband saying to me, with a hint of smirkiness, (is smirkiness a word?  It is today. Lol) in his voice, "Why did you ever say that anyway, why would you think that?!"  I felt pretty embarrassed.  I mean, he was right, it wasn't the windfall moment I thought it would be.  Oh well, life is full of disappointments, get used to it I say.  To make matters even worse, I started to scrutinize the situation.  Why had I said that & when does someones ship finally come in?  When can you say, "Looks like we, or (I) made it!?"  Ever?..... Never?.........Sometime?  Now?  Sure. Yes.  Now would be fine. :)

It would be really nice to think there is in fact a line you cross that finally sets in stone that you have, in fact "made it". How many people actually get to say that?  I'm hopeful that many do.  I'm fearful that it could be few and far between however who actually do....and why do we have to make it anyway?  Why is it, "my ship needs to come in" ??   Is there a check list?  Should I attempt to make one? Lol. I won't bother because it's not true.  There is no line to cross that says, "You've made it!"  Because after-all isn't your own internal value system what decides if "You've made it."  ?

People of course, want to impress upon others if they think you've made it or not.  They come to conclusions about you.  I'd rather they didn't thank you very much.  After all, who invited you to make a decision about my life.  Non verbal speaks volumes.  Voice tone, the way eyes look up and down in evaluation.  It's truly not up to anyone to decide.  No, it's up to me.   I know now, yes I do and I've decided to assume, to believe that most have indeed Made It.  Why should my negative energy surround anyone? Why not put positive energy out there, let it surround, go in, out and twirl around every individual I meet.  Greet them with the impression of, "I'm proud of you!  It sure looks like you made it!" 

I told my husband once, I would know that I'd, "made it" when I owned a vehicle with a heated steering wheel.  That would be it!  That would be the crossing point into success.  I must say, if that's all it takes, a heated steering wheel? Well, that's not so tough now is it. 

I imagine everyone has this "Idea" of what it is they need in order to say they've made it.  What is it you think you need to determine the moment of success?  The moment you can throw confetti in your brain, blow the horns in your mind and celebrate?  You've probably thought of something in your mind, don't lie.  Haha.

Why do we think we need to wait sometimes, like...when I pay off my house  or....when I can retire comfortably.  Who knows if you will make it that far anyway.  The old saying, "I could be hit by a car tomorrow" might actually come true.  Darn.  All that wishing and hoping for the future and it's happiness gone in a split second. Shouldn't we lower our expectations to a more reasonable attainment of happiness.  Let's just find ways in our daily life to think,...to tell ourselves, "Look, I made It!" 

An example?  Sure, everyone likes examples.  I like examples too.  So here's one.  If I'm thinking of a way to say,
"I've made it"  I will go and get myself a fancy coffee!  A $4.00 plus coffee will sometimes prompt my husband to say, "Who do you think you are, affording yourself a $4.00 coffee?"  Which I reply with a look of superiority, "Someone who's "made it!"  "My ship has finally come in baby!" I'm of course joking, but listen, if it is little things like this that can bring forth those feeling of joy & success, do them I say!  Make a list & put down all those little things, simple things that bring about pure happiness and joy to your day.  When you need to feel like you've made it, check out your list and partake.

All in all, it's your decision to wait to make it, or play it like it is, like you've already gotten there!  Share a smile with yourself today.  You deserve it.....because....."It looks like you made it.........." My mantra for the day.  Thanks Barry M. 

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