Let civility reign!

Civility ~ Let us consider this, before we speak or act.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

It's the little things...

It's really always the little things that seem to touch true deep emotions.  I try to stay in touch with reality, not that day dreaming isn't fun and worth a pause in life now and then.  But reality is the happenings now.  Right this minute.  The intrusion of thought is demanding.  I spend moments in deep thought or contemplation that completely pulls me from the present.  Sometimes I am not even aware that I'm in a conversation, a conversation with an 8 year old for example but I am.  I've been conversing back and forth almost without my knowledge.  I've been saying, "Uh-hmm. Yep.  Wow!  Really?  That's great!  I love that.  That is so neat!"  Then every once in awhile, to test me, my 8 year old will say, "So, what do you think?"  Well, here we've been conversing.  I've been making two entities happy at the same time.  My little boy, desperate for attention and my contemplating brain, full of thoughts that are also eager for attention. 

    "What do I think?"...  I'll reply, "I think that is a great idea!" 

     "A great idea?  I was asking you what color I should pick.  Red or blue?!"

Busted!  So busted!  At that moment I realize he's completely busted me all while I've been faking the attention he's expected, I haven't really heard a thing this sweet child, my child, has been talking about.  Crap!  Bad Mommy Award! Again.

You know, down at the local health food store, I've actually picked up some homeopathic remedies to help me with my attention span.  A witches brew.  Haha.  A couple of drops on the end of the tongue and, "whala," you stay mortared in the present.  The here and now!  Yep, a couple bottles of those a day really seem to work!  LOL.  I'm joking of course, but really it can be hard to stay in the present. 

Here are the 5 things I need to do to stay in the present and engage.  ENGAGE.  (Important word)
1.  Put away my cell phone.
2. Put aside my home phone.
3. Turn off the lap-top.
4. Turn off the television.
5. Push aside the to-do list. 

Some things are more important.  Like engaging with my children, sitting together, so we can read a story, playing on the floor, cuddling, laying down face to face, eye to eye and really talking, really listening.  Really truly taking an interest in what they're saying.  Making dinner together, playing a board game together, going for a walk together, giving big, long, hugs.  Sharing moments of long smiles, really hardy laughs and being silly together. Playing pretend, cutting out paper dolls, examining each make and model of Match-Box car.  Really engaging in life.  This is when life actually slows down and time so precious and valuable, stands still.

It is work.  It does require you to drop everything.  Give up on cleaning the house, getting calls made, sorting through the laundry and starting another load, etc. but those things you are giving up, are not what makes memories to last a life time, it is the moments you walk away to engage with the living that soak the soul and beautify the spirit with thoughts, dreams and memories, for days and days to come.

1 comment:

  1. Good one. I wish more people would just put away all the electronics and concentrate on the moment with a real, live person on a one-to-one basis (or eye-to-eye - as the saying goes!) I feel there would be more enjoyment in life if we were all to do that and realize there is more to life than what is out there in the ether headed toward our electronic gadget.
